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Carpe Librum

Bookish conversation with author Samantha Wilcoxson.


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Historical Novel Society

Death Comes to Pemberly by PD James

Death Comes to Pemberley - P.D. James

This wasn't high on my TBR but it was available on audiobook through my library. I figured that a cozy mystery based on Pride and Prejudice would be a fun, quick read. I was wrong.

The author has done a admirable job of emulating the style of language and characters from the beloved Jane Austen classic, but the story dragged on with repetitive dialog and a lackluster mystery. If I heard the story of how the body was found repeated one more time..... Once I lost my place in this book and randomly picked a spot that I figured was close, knowing that anything I missed was sure to be repeated.

In the end, I could only be glad that it was over and couldn't care less who had died or who had killed them.