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Carpe Librum

Bookish conversation with author Samantha Wilcoxson.


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Historical Novel Society

The Devil's Band by Richard Anderton

The Devil's Band (The Devilstone Chronicles) (Volume 1) - Richard Anderton

Somehow I thought I already reviewed this, but I must have just done that in my head. Everyone does that, right? Anyway....


This book was not exactly what I expected when I picked it up. I knew that it involved Richard de la Pole, an important part of the Plantagenet remnant who has not been largely novelized. I thought that this 'Devil's Band' was going to be a group of soldiers in his service. Well, let's just say, that's not exactly what goes on.


Thomas Devilstone is in trouble as soon as we meet him (as you may have guessed by his name), and he continues to get in deeper throughout the novel. In a sort of implausible late medieval adventure, he and his unlikely band of brothers somehow manage to slither out of each death defying situation they find themselves in. The characters, especially our Thomas, are not lovable or admirable, but I found myself rooting for him just the same - sort of like when reading about Bernard Cornwell's Uhtred. He is irreverent, impetuous, and willing to try anything.


If you are looking for an exciting read that takes you from London to Pavia, you should consider giving this indie novel a try.