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Historical Novel Society

The Colour of Murder by Toni Mount

I have mostly stopped reviewing here on Booklikes due to the fact that the books I read seem to never be in the database. For a while I was adding the ones I read, but, honestly, it just doesn't seem worth it.


Anyway, I wanted to share this review even though the book does not show up here. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series, and The Colour of Murder is no exception.


This series just keeps getting better! My love for these books began because of the main character, Sebastian Foxley. He is easy to admire and care for, even if his head is sometimes lost in the clouds - or in a painting. The kind, devout Seb is the perfect counter to his ruffian brother, Jude, and shrewish wife, Emily. Sometimes, I want to hop into the story and say, 'Hey, you two! Be nice to Sebastian!'

The Colour of Murder has a more complex plot than the previous books without sacrificing the character development that initially drew me in. Sebastian is wrapped up in not one murder but two, and there are those in important places who wish to add him to that number. The drama of Edward IV's reign unfolds as the Foxleys carry on everyday life of betrothals and scriveners' work. As always, this book has the perfect balance of medieval life and mystery.

The author gets a bit darker with this book than the previous ones. I wondered if we would get through the book with all of our major characters intact as the crimes hit quite close to home. Sebastian gains powerful enemies and hears secrets that he can't unlearn. On the other hand, we have bright moments of romance between Rose and Jude. Our hard-hearted, or at least hard-headed, Jude even has a prayer answered, though one has to wonder if he will recognize it as such. There is worship - gets me every time when Sebastian sings in church. And comedy, surprisingly also having to do with Sebastian singing in church...… You'll have to read it to find out.

Another dark and unexpected aspect of this book sure to rile some readers is the author's treatment of Elizabeth and Anthony Woodville. Having written about Elizabeth myself, I understand she is a woman with many facets. Five hundred years later, it is difficult to know which characterizations of her are most truthful. Mount has done an excellent job of exploring one possibility that is not necessarily sympathetic to the controversial queen.

Plenty of unexpected twists kept me captivated and reading well beyond the time I had planned, and now I eagerly await The Colour of Death coming out later this month.